Understand Anger In Elderly Loved Ones

Understand Anger In Elderly Loved Ones

Understanding Anger in Elderly Loved Ones   Your senior parent always seems angry but you don’t know why. Anger in elderly loved ones is quite common. Yet we often struggle to find what causes anger in elderly in our care. Whether the outbursts are verbal,...

How Does Dementia Cause Death, Facts To Know

HOW DOES DEMENTIA CAUSE DEATH Dementia is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. How does dementia cause death? Caregivers and the entire family need the facts to known and understand this fatal condition that so many face each year. Dementia patients...

Why are Older People Cold

  Why are Older People Cold kw: why are older people cold and cause of cold hands in elderly   As a caregiver, you may always wonder why older people are cold. Their bodies become susceptible to cold temperatures as they get old. This coldness is because of a...
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